NTLabs Koi Care - Acriflavin

from £11.99

Treats: Fin, tail & mouth rot and ulcers.

When to use?

When fish show symptoms of a bacterial infection, or as a quarantine solution before adding new fish.

Acriflavin can be used in conjunction with Ulcer Swab and Propolis Wound Seal for the treatment of ulcers and other open wounds.

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How to use?

Test your water quality using NT Labs Test Kits.

Mix the appropriate dosage in a clean bucket of pond water, pour evenly over the surface of the pond and leave for 7 days. Switch off UV filtration until the colour has gone from the water. Aerate the pond well during treatment.

If you feel a repeat dose is necessary, check your diagnosis using the Diagnosis Tool; a different medication may be more suitable. Allow 7 days after medicating and perform a partial water change before re- treating or treating with a different medication.

Always treat when you have time to observe fish and take appropriate action in the unlikely event of a bad reaction.


Do not use at water temperatures above 30°C.

Do not use in hot, humid or thundery weather.

Do not mix medications.

Available Volumes: 250ml / 500ml / 1 Litre

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